It’s much easier to import users instead of inserting them one by one. Import tool for users is a new feature included in our 3.8.0 release as well as many other features.

How to use it

Create a CSV file in utf8 with header (lower case): name email password image_1

name: Name for user
email: Email address of user
password: Password of the user. Can be left empty and the system will generate a random password
subscriber: 0 or 1 values. 1 if the user is subscribed to receive notification emails; o if not


We allow to upload user profile images. Images allow remote images like or local, using as base your site root, for example /images/import/user1_pic1.png. The images will be downloaded, resized, thumbed, and deleted on completion.

Custom Fields:

Now it’s possible to import users with custom fields. All you need to do is to add the fields in the CSV file as headers, with the prefix cf_. For example, if you have a custom field called “company” in your site, you need to include it in the CSV file headers as “cf_company”.

Download Sample CSV file.

You can use this easy import tool to add all of your users with a press of a button. You simply need to follow those steps:

  • Log into your Admin Panel
  • Go to Extras > Import Users
  • Click Browse to select your CVS file and then press Upload

import users1

  • Click Process on the right box.

import users2

Now, you can see the imported users on Classifieds -> Users.