This guide explains how to contribute to our documentation!
Get Started
First, install jekyll:
Installation Guide
Clone the repository and then check out the branch:
cd your_repo_root/repo_name
git fetch origin
git checkout gh-pages
Using Jekyll (Basic Usage)
Add a page
Create a markdown file in the root of the project.
Add a post
Create a markdown file in the _posts folder. Jekyll requires post files to be named according to the following format:
Change theme’s design
You can change the design by modifying the css files in _sass or css folder. You can also add your css file inside _sass folder and include a reference to it on _includes/head.html.
Jekyll uses the standard Liquid templating language package. Jekyll Variables
Using _config.yml. Site’s title, description, baseurl, twitter and github username as many other configurations are included here.
Build locally
If you want to display the changes locally before pushing, use this command:
This command builds a static website according the contents of the project. The output is under the _site folder.
Git Push
git add
git commit
git push origin gh-pages