Now sellers can publish an event date to their ads and sell tickets. With this feature, users can sort listings by event date, and a Calendar view is available and buy a ticketed event.

How it works

  • Seller selects an event date posting his ad.
  • Buyer clicks the Buy Now button and buys a ticketed event.
  • The confirmation email is sent to the buyer, which includes the Order ID and Product ID.


Create the Event Date field

  1. Create a Custom Field on Classifieds -> Custom Fields -> New
  2. The custom field Name must be eventdate and Type must be Date


Done! You can now go to the Publish new page to see the result and your users can select a calendar view.




You can also change the default listing sorting to the event date.

  • Sort by event date in the listing page: Go to Settings -> Advertisement -> Listing Options -> Sort by in Listing and choose Event Date.