This guide is only for Yclas Self Hosted!

16 Tested Hosting Providers Compatible with Yclas

It happens sometimes that a user purchases a hosting plan at some company then downloads Yclas and tries to run it on his website but he gets surprised with unexpected errors, most of the times that is due to an incompatible hosting with Yclas. To prevent that from happening and with Chema’s help we prepared a list of 16 hosting providers that we tested and they’re working with Yclas we also included a list of tested hosting providers that are not working with Yclas.

Tested Hosting Working With Yclas

These hosting providers have been all tested by us and we saw the software working fine with them:


  1. HostPapa
  2. Inmotion
  3. A2hosting
  4. siteground
  5. godaddy * only linux based hosting and newly purchased packages
  6. mediatemple
  7. bluehost
  8. greengeeks
  9. gigapros
  10. fatcow
  11. arvixe
  12. justhost
  13. site5
  14. dreamhost
  15. redcoruna
  16. factoriadigital
  17. 1and1

Tested hosting Not working with Yclas

These web hosting providers have been tested and all proved to not work with Yclas at the date of posting this article (some may change in time)

  1. iPage
  2. fatcow
  3. godaddy windows based hosting
  4. 000webhost
  5. hostgator
  6. Any other windows hosting is not recommended

My personal recommendation would be Hostpapa in the US or Europe , inmotion if you’re in the US and A2 hosting if you’re in Europe, Middle-east and North Africa they all have good with 24/7 tech support, all companies have pros and cons but for me I feel comfortable when dealing with those 3 companies.

If you didn’t find your web hosting on any of the two lists then make sure it’s compatible with Yclas by checking the software requirements.

What’s your recommended hosting? have you had any good or bad experiences with any hosting not listed here? leave an answer in the comment section below and let’s hear the story.